Civil Liberties & Public Law

Civil Liberties & Public Law
Civil liberties are guarantees and freedoms that are provided by the establishment and are
protected by public law in case of infringement, in India it is guaranteed by the part 3 of the
constitution. The fundamental rights provided by the constitution ensures the credibility of
democracy in India. Violating one’s personal liberty is a punishable act as per law and these
laws not only protect individuals from one another but also from the arbitrary state action.
Public law governs the relation between the citizens and the state by forming different forms
of laws like constitutional law, administrative law, criminal law, etc. But the establishment
have to keep in mind about the civil liberties before making any public law as they have to
follow the doctrine of rule of law. Thus, no public law in India can infringe civil liberties
provided by the establishment as it has protection from both, the private individuals and the
state itself. However, due to lack of civic sense and legal awareness many people knowingly
or unknowingly infringe other’s civil liberty. Therefore, we at FASTRACK LEGAL
SOLUTIONS provide “solutions” for violation of civil liberties within the scope of public
law by litigation and various other legal tools and tricks to our clients under the supervision
of enthusiastic legal professionals who have deep understanding of public law and are
determined towards delivery of justice to form a better society with respect of liberal thoughts
and rights.
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