Cheque Bouncing section 138 : Recent Legal Developments
Cheque Bouncing: Recent Legal Changes Cheque Bouncing In the groundbreaking case of Dashrath Rupsingh Rathore v. State of Maharashtra, the Supreme Court altered the underlying principle of Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act. This change enabled the prosecution of individuals who presented cheques that bounced due to insufficient funds. As a result, the Supreme...
Read MoreSummary Court Martial A Study dwelling on the legal matrix
Summary Court Martial The Indian Armed Forces Summary Court Martial persist in adhering to a military justice framework bequeathed by the British, even as the legal landscape in the UK has evolved to align with modern justice practices. The rights enshrined in the Indian Constitution for individuals find scant reflection in the laws governing armed...
Read MoreHow to Get a Non-Bailable Warrant Cancelled: A Comprehensive Guide in 2023
Introduction How to Get a Non-Bailable Warrant Cancelled A non-bailable warrant (NBW) is a legal document issued by a court that mandates the arrest of an individual without the possibility of being released on bail until they appear before the court. This stringent measure is usually reserved for cases where the accused poses a flight...
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