General Court Martial (GCM) can be contested before an Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT). Union of India & Ors. Vs. P.S. Gill, Criminal Appeal No. 404 of 2013
Introduction General Court Martial (GCM) In a profound and momentous pronouncement, the Supreme Court, in the case of Union of India & Ors. Vs. P.S. Gill, Criminal Appeal No. 404 of 2013, rendered on November 27, 2019, unequivocally established that an order convening a General Court Martial (GCM) can be contested before an Armed Forces...
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Judicial Approach in Granting Pensionary Benefits to Army Personnel Dismissed Under the Army Act The outdated notion of pension as a discretionary payment dependent on the goodwill of the employer, not enforceable as a right, has been challenged and overruled by the Constitution Bench in Deo Kinandan Prasad v. State of Bihar, 1971 Supp SCR...
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Introduction to Negotiable Instrument Act Section 138 Negotiable Instrument Act When it comes to financial transactions and legal agreements, the Negotiable Instrument Act plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth exchange of funds and resources. Among its various sections, Section 138 holds particular significance. This section pertains to the dishonor of a cheque and...
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Introduction: Navigating Personal Injury Law in India The legal landscape of personal injury in India is shaped by its Constitution, which guarantees every citizen the right to life and personal liberty. This guide aims to delve into the core principles of personal injury law within the Indian context and explore its practical implications in various...
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Explore the comprehensive overview of RERA laws, designed to provide transparency and protection in the real estate sector. Learn how these laws ensure fair practices, address buyer grievances, and promote a secure real estate environment.
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Introduction Real Estate Regulation and Development Real Estate Regulation and Development In the ever-evolving landscape of the real estate industry, the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, commonly known as RERA, has emerged as a significant regulatory framework. This legislation aims to bring transparency, accountability, and consumer protection to the real estate sector in India....
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Introduction Judicial Separation And Divorce Marriage is a sacred bond that unites two individuals in a lifelong commitment. However, there are circumstances when this union faces challenges and complexities that cannot be resolved. In such cases, the Hindu Marriage Law provides provisions for both divorce and judicial separation. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light...
Read MoreUnderstanding Statutory Complaints in the Indian Army and Relevant Sections of the Army Act 1950
In this comprehensive article, we delve into the concept of statutory complaints in the Indian Army, exploring the relevant sections of the Army Act. Learn about the process, rights, and regulations surrounding these complaints.
Read MoreWhat is a Non-Statutory Complaint in the Indian Army: Understanding Grievance Procedures 2023
Learn about non-statutory complaints in the Indian Army, their significance, procedures, and resolution. Gain insights into addressing concerns within the military framework.
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Navigating Advocates Act 1961 : Balancing Rights and Responsibilities
Introduction To Advocates Act Advocates Act – In the ever-evolving sphere of legal practice, the Advocates Act of 1961 serves as an indispensable guide, delineating the rights and duties of advocates in India. This legislative cornerstone not only outlines the privileges bestowed upon legal practitioners but also underscores their profound responsibilities in upholding the tenets...
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