Cheque Bouncing section 138 : Recent Legal Developments

Cheque Bouncing: Recent Legal Changes Cheque Bouncing In the groundbreaking case of Dashrath Rupsingh Rathore v. State of Maharashtra, the Supreme Court altered the underlying principle of Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act. This change enabled the prosecution of individuals who presented cheques that bounced due to insufficient funds. As a result, the Supreme...

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How to Get a Non-Bailable Warrant Cancelled: A Comprehensive Guide in 2023

Introduction How to Get a Non-Bailable Warrant Cancelled A non-bailable warrant (NBW) is a legal document issued by a court that mandates the arrest of an individual without the possibility of being released on bail until they appear before the court. This stringent measure is usually reserved for cases where the accused poses a flight...

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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Abstract:- Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a term used to describe various traditional practices, including partial or complete removal of external female genitals for cultural and traditional reasons in many African as well as the Indian and Asian countries. This study addresses this concept of practice by examining various beliefs that support its continuation.This study...

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SECTION 498A – A RAY OF HOPE FOR WOMEN IN INDIA SECTION 498A- A RAY OF HOPE FOR WOMEN IN INDIA The enemy doesn’t stand a chance when the victim decides to survive. -Rae Smith INTRODUCTIONWe define domestic abuse as an incident or pattern incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading, andviolent behavior, including sexual violence, in the majority of cases by a partner or ex-partner,...

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Background ARBITRATION ,India is a secular state where large population practices different religions. The Indian legal system covers the year has also developed in lines with the different religions being practices in India. The importance of alternative dispute resolution methods especially mediation and consideration in resolving family law disputes. Alternative dispute resolution refers to a...

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Marriage and Law of Contract

Restraint of marriage under Law of ContractsIntroduction Marriage and Law of ContractThe right to marriage goes under the domain of Article 21, which is viewed as the essence of the Indian Constitution qua it ensures the right to life and individual freedom to ‘residents’ as well as ‘non-residents’ of India. In regards to this Article,...

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What is a charge sheet?

What is a charge sheet?A charge sheet refers to a formal police record showing the name of eachperson brought into custody, the nature of the accusations, and the identityof the accusers. It is also known as a four-part charging Instruments. When any informant informs the police about any crime that has occurred, the police, after...

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Practices of Successful Defense Lawyer

This article talks about the qualities a good criminal lawyer has

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Vishaka & Ors. V/S State of Rajasthan [1] is a case that deals with the evil of sexual harassment in the workplace. It is a landmark judgment case by the Supreme Court of India in the case of sexual harassment. Facts of the case In Vishaka &Ors v State of Rajasthan & ors : Bhanwari...

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Is Prostitution in India Legal

ABSTRACT Sex work means Prostitution ,It is as old as civilization itself and has been part of Indian society ever since the idea of marriage came into existence . in recent days prostitution has become synonymous with violence discrimination and exploitation . prostitution is after seen as a taboo in Indian society, and requisite attention...

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