Cyber Crime in India and Abroad

Introduction: The Internet has revolutionized not only the actual physical, social, educational, political, and real life is affected but the artifact has uprooted the established legal norms. Surpassing all the territorial borders, the digital world brings with it an array of criminal possibilities. Cyber Space opens the floodgates of possibilities of cybercrime is an evil...

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PRAVIN CHANDRA MODY VS STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESHCitation: 1965 AIR 1185, 1965 SCR (1) 269Date of decision: September 15, 1964Bench: J. K Subba Rao, J. M. Hidyatullah and J.R MudholkarOriginal Copy:Statutes Involved: Section 173 and 251 of the C.R.P.C and Section 11 of the EC Act FACTS WITH RESPECT TO SECTION 420 In this case, the appellant is being...

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SECTION 420 IPC SUMMARY Section 420 specifically punishes aggravated cases of cheating,any act of cheating, whether fraudulently or dishonestly, ispunishable under section 417. In contrast, section 420specifically punishes a case where cheating is done by dishonestinducement and its subject matter is property or valuablesecurity.Cheating is defined in section 415 of the IPC. section 420 laysdown...

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Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind challenged anti conversion law

Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind on Thursday moved the Supreme Court to challenge anti conversion lawsof Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, and Himachal PradeshSankalp Mirani Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind on Thursday moved the Supreme Court to challenge anti-conversion lawsof Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, and Himachal Pradesh, saying theyhave been enacted to “harass” interfaith couples and implicate them...

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INTRODUCTION TO LAW OF TORTS The Law of Torts The defendant would be held accountable for the samewhenever a case was brought against them for committing a tortand all the necessary components of that wrong were present.Even under these situations, the defendant can escape liability bypledging one of the several defense’s under tort law. Somedefense’s...

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Cyber law and IT

Cyber law and Information technology Table of content Abstract Keywords Introduction Main arguments Conclusion References Abstract The emergence of the internet and the growth of the digital age have revolutionized the way inwhich people communicate, interact, and conduct business. While this has provided manyopportunities for individuals and organizations, it has also created a new set...

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BUSINESS LAW AND THE PARLIAMENTBy : Kumari Sunaina Intern at Fastrack Legal Solutions Introduction:Parliament, which is a platform to do a discussion on issues having social and civic importancein any popular democracy, is a cornerstone of democratic values in any representativedemocracy Parliament may be perceived as a political institution to ensure the realization ofwhat Mahatma...

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NAVTEJ SINGH JOHAR V. UNION OF INDIA (2018 10 SCC 12) INTRODUCTIONSection 377 of the Indian Penal Code, titled as “Unnatural Offences”, stated that “whoevervoluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animalshall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment of either description for aterm which may...

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Ban on Triple Talaq

Triple-Talaq theory: There has just been a storm in the fight for equality. The storm of gettingdivorced without even knowing the grounds—Triple talaq—for the divorce.Islam views marriage, or nikkah, as a secular relationship rather than a religiousinstitution, hence talaq, or divorce, was something that was beyond the purviewof people since marriage is a contract that...

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