Punjab & Haryana High Court Clarifies Rules for Military Disability Pension Eligibility 2024
Introduction In a significant ruling that could impact countless military personnel, the Punjab and Haryana High Court has provided a clearer framework for the eligibility of disability pensions for armed forces members. Disability pension , which serve as a form of financial support for those who suffer injuries or deteriorating health due to military service,...
Read MoreRights and Grievances: Legal Protections and Challenges for Armed Forces Personnel in India
LEGAL RIGHTS OF ARMED FORCES PERSONNEL Legal Resources for Grievances The state has given armed forces personnel the right to make complaints to resolve their grievances. They can request under sections 26 and 27 of the Army Act, 1950 and Airforce Act, 1950 and under section 23 of the Navy Act, 1957. Section 26...
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