Education & ED Tech Companies

Ed tech is a combination of two words- Education and technology. In simple terms it is
technology enhancement for education. It facilitates the education sector in India by making
it more approachable, affordable and flexible. However, the regulatory framework of ED
Tech Companies is no garden walk and it requires expert assistance to meet all the legal
aspects of it. And we at Fast Track Legal Solutions provide all of the legal assistance which is
required for the smooth day to day practice of the company. As in India there is no
consolidated law which regulates ED Tech Companies so the legal framework of it requires
expertise skills which can interpret various laws that could eventually facilitate the aforesaid

We provide assistance in: -

  • Intellectual property laws with compliance to Copyright Act, Trade Marks act, The
    Patent Act, Trade Secrets, etc.
  • Consumer protection laws, as in recent time it has been observed that that few ED
    Tech companies were sued in Consumer Forum.
  • Data protection laws.
  • IT laws as it virtually based business module.


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